
How to Speed Up Your Covid Test Results? Try the Airport - The Wall Street Journal

QUICK CHECK Starting in September, flyers at New York’s John F. Kennedy and Newark airports might be able to get the results from a rapid Covid test within 15 minutes.

Photo: David Doran

FIRST, THE good news: More destinations are lifting restrictions on U.S. travelers. but you’ll need more than a passport to get in. If you want to hang out in Bora Bora, Bermuda, St. Barts or a handful of other tourist havens any time soon, you’ll need to show proof of a recent negative Covid-19 test, typically taken within three days of departure. Now the bad news: Most testing sites around the country don’t deliver results for a nail-biting week or even two.


Have you paid $200 (or more) for a rapid Covid test so you could travel this summer? Join the conversation below.

The solution? The “home-collection Covid test” that a number of companies are offering, in partnership with laboratories, whisking kits directly to Americans using overnight delivery services. Some test kits use a nasal swab, others, like those from the Covid Consultants, based in Denver, rely on a less intrusive “spit in a cup” process to collect saliva. Either way, you sign up online, receive a packet a day later. You’ll need to meticulously follow the instructions (sloppiness could yield inaccurate results), then send back your sample. Results should land in your email inbox within 48 hours. The cost ranges from $150 to more than $200, though many insurance plans will cover part of the tab.

The Food and Drug Administration, not typically known for its lightning speed, has greenlit many of these DIY tests under an Emergency Use Authorization (EUA). But you’ll need to make sure you’re getting the right kind of test: most countries or states that demand test results, require a PCR lab test, which is considered more reliable than other variations.

If you can’t get a fresh test result in time, some airports might be able to help. At Anchorage, for example, out-of-state travelers who arrive without a Covid test can opt for one right after landing, for $250. You’ll still need to isolate for a few days while waiting for results.

And New York City’s airports are ramping up test sites, for both workers and passengers. XpresCheck, part of the XpresSpa chain, best known for dispensing manicures and massages to frazzled fliers, recently opened facilities at John F. Kennedy and Newark airports, staffed by doctors and nurses. Tests cost $75 and results are delivered within two to three days, but in September, the company plans to roll out the coveted “rapid test,” which can issue the all-clear in as little as 15 minutes—even faster than a manicure.

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